I guide entrepreneurs to personal and business success through the art of conscious leadership.

I know what it's like to struggle…

to feel trapped in a 9-5, and to dream of breaking free from the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. 
Picture yourself starting that business you've always dreamed of, or finally quitting that unfulfilling job to be your own boss. This is your chance to rewrite your financial story and create a legacy of prosperity. Interested?


I turned my side hustle into an 8+ figure business and I can teach you how to do the same. For the last 5 years, I've been helping hundreds of women transform, grow & scale their businesses to have the freedom to create the life of their dreams.

No matter your background or experience level, my experiences and tools are your gateway to a life of financial freedom. Ditch the doubts and the what ifs – with just a dream, an idea and wifi– you can change your reality. But you have to believe you can. It starts with taking a bet on yourself. It's time to stop just surviving and start thriving. Sometimes we just need a little help along the way. So take the first step with me.

You are so close to making 6+ figures!

Entrepreneurship & Master Mindset Coach

work with me 1:1 application


Alexandra motivated me to stop playing it small and launch my business. 6 months later, I was up and running and making sales daily.

"I've finally stepped into the entrepreneur
I was envisioning!"


I wish I had done coaching with Alex sooner before starting my own business. We've been able to get my business back on track, make more sales and regain my passion for it. She has given me the confidence and tools to keep working towards my dreams.

"It's like having a personal cheerleader, a life coach, and a best friend all in one in my corner." 


Alex helped me step out of my comfort zone and launch my business. It's probably one of the best decisions I made for my business.

"Words cannot describe the growth I've had not only in my business, but personally as well."


Coaching with Alexandra has provided me with so much clarity in my business and vision. It gave me the tools to climb each next step. I've had such a big shift in myself within our 3 months of coaching. From confidence boosters to money-making mindsets, she does it all!

"Hands-down the BEST investment I've made!"